
Construction industry 2024: 5 trends not to be missed

Our world is constantly changing. Thank goodness, because we all know that stagnation equals regression. With the start of the new year, it’s a good time to look ahead to the next twelve months. What changes will affect the construction industry in 2024? What trends and developments should you definitely not overlook in the new year? We list five important trends for you.

Five construction industry trends not to miss in 2024

As a professional in the construction industry, you know that the industry is constantly evolving. New technologies, changing regulations and societal trends all affect how you work. That’s why it’s good to keep up with different trends and developments. Do you already know what the new year will bring us? What are the main trends that companies in construction, GWW and installation will face next year? We help you on your way and list five important trends that you should definitely not lose sight of in 2024! Download the e-book here!

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